Dishwasher Duty

So, every morning when I am loading or unloading the dishwasher, little Elias LOVES to come stand next to the dishwasher and help take all the forks and spoons out and then put it right back in again!! But this morning as I was putting things away, I turned around and found him like this...

I guess standing next to the dishwasher was no longer an option for him and that sitting directly in the dishwasher was much more convenient!!!! I thought is was too cute! 

Jaedon had to get in on the action too!!!

He sat there for a good 30 minutes with his little heart content on taking the spoons out of the basket, then gently placing it back in. I just LOVE how kids are so content with the little things. It is amazing how much our kids teach us and ground us :) We have a gazillion (i know not a word!) toys, and he loves to play with spoons :) 

Maybe this is the start of Elias loving to do the dishes?!?!? What do you think?


Sara Kay said...

I have taught my kids, even Audrey, to take the silverware out of the basket and put it in the silverware drawer while I put the other dishes away. The drawer is continually disorganized because of it, but the mess actually makes me smile when I open the drawer. :)

Rebekah said...

Jenna helps with our dishes too, it makes her feel so grown up! Zach takes Elias' approach and stands or sits on the door while he unloads (as I try to load) dirty dishes or loads (as I try to unload) clean ones - aren't kids great? :o)