Texas Family Fun

So, we decided last minute to take our first family road trip and drive 15 hours straight through the night to go visit Nick's grandmother in Waco, Texas. We left Thursday night around 7 p.m. and made it to Waco around 10:30 Friday morning!!! The kids did great and basically slept the entire way :) We got to spend a lot of time with Grandmother and got to see the retirement home she is living in. We even got to play the Wii with her!! It is one of the activities that all the residents there love...I thought it was so cute seeing all these old men and women competing in bowling and staying active!! Thank you Nintendo :) They also play ladder ball...so cute!!

We got to have a BBQ (indoors because of the Texas heat and humidity) with all of Nick's aunts, uncles, and cousins on Sunday and Nick and his brothers even got to play some football in the street. I don't think the vacation would have been complete without a little football in 102 degree heat!! I think he lost about 10 pounds in 45 minutes :) We spent a lot of time in the pool at our hotel, it felt so good to be in the water and the best part was you didn't even need a towel when you got out, the hot sticky air kept us warm!!!  

Then Sunday night, Elias ended up getting sick and ran a 102.7 fever until Monday night. Then the fun really began when Jaedon ran a fever Monday night into Tuesday. We had planned on going to a water park all day Tuesday in Arlington and then heading home, but instead we decided to just eat breakfast and head home since Jaedon was sick. So we hit the road about 12:30 Texas time and Jaedon ran a fever until about 7 p.m. and was throwing up :( It broke my heart and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and hold my baby! And now I am sick, but what is a vaction without eating way too much junk food, staying up way too late, and coming home sick and tired :)  So here is a pic of us driving home at sunset. This was the most beautiful sunset. The picture really doesn't do it justice, but the sun was so bright red. We were in Kansas at this time, and trust me, this was the most exciting thing to look at!!!! 

So, all in all, it was a fun trip and it was so good to see his Grandmother, 
who by the way is 93 years old and looks fabulous!!! I am glad to be home in the cool, crisp, mountain air again and need to go start unpacking and doing laundry :) 


Rebekah said...

Welcome home - I'm glad you had a fun trip but so sorry you all got sick! Hope you're feeling better now.

Joanna said...

Yay! I'm glad you're back! Sounds like an eventful trip. I'm so sorry you're sick - no fun! Gotta love that Texas heat. Talk to you soon!

Megan Hardre said...

Awww, she looks FANTASTIC for 93 years young. :) Looks like it meant a lot to have you there. :)